I purchased this since the women’s version was sold out and the cashier said that they were the same. However, they are not the same!—if you look at the ingredients for the men’s it’s mostly natural AHAs so the effect is more for exfoliation/re-texturizing as oppose to the women’s where it has only fermented rice so that effect would be for brightening. I wasn’t able to compare to the women’s since the ingredients are only listed on the packages not the cartons. After 10 sheets for the men’s I feel moisturized but exfoliants take longer than that to work so ymmv.
Thank you so much for your review and it definitely provides more information to our customers! :) Sorry for our misleading advise about the product, and you're right, they are not the same, they are similar on the moisturizing side. I am glad that you liked the men's version. But if you still want the women's which are back in stock now, feel free to come by and we're looking forward to seeing you soon!
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